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Lower Prices. Maya is a program, created by Autodesk, used to model, animate, and render 3D scenes. With Maya, you can create and animate your own 3D scenes and render them as still images or as animation sequences.
Several versions of Maya exist and the difference between them lies in the features that are included in each. The commercial version of Maya includes everything you need to create and render 3D scenes and animations. Maya is also available in the Media and Entertainment Collection, which pairs it with other Autodesk products including MotionBuilder, Mudbox and 3ds Max.
A freely available version of Maya called Maya LT is also available. Maya LT is identical to the commercial version of Maya, except that all renderings include a watermark, making it a great place to start if you want to learn Maya. At first glance, the Maya interface can be a little daunting, with buttons, controls, and parameters everywhere, but if you look closer you ll realize that all of the controls are grouped into logical sets. Becoming familiar with these various sets of controls makes the interface much easier to work with.
Along the top edge of the interface are the menus and a toolbar of buttons called the Status Line. The menus will change depending on the mode that you re working in. Below the Status Line is a tabbed row of buttons.
This row of buttons is called the Shelf, and it offers a convenient way to group sets autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free commands together. To the right of the interface is a panel of parameters called the Channel Box. These parameters, known as attributes, will change as different objects are selected. Under the Channel Box is the Layer Editor. Along the bottom of the interface are the Time Slider, the Range Slider, and the animation controls, which are used to specify and move between the different frames of an animation sequence; also at the bottom are the Command Line, for entering textual commands, and autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free Help Line.
Finally, the horizontal column of buttons to the left of the interface is known as the Toolbox and the Quick Layout buttons.
These buttons are used to select and transform scene objects and to change the interface layout. A key concept that you need to understand as you begin to work with the interface is that there are several ways to autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free the same command. For example, you can create a sphere using the Create, Polygon Primitives, Sphere menu command or by using the Polygon Sphere button in the Polygons shelf. This design is intentional, allowing beginners an intuitive method for accessing a command, and giving advanced users an access method that lets them work quicker /49567.txt they learn the autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free.
These context-specific pop-up menus appear when you right-click in the interface. Another quick way to access удален autodesk maya 2016 lt free download что is with keyboard shortcuts, known as hotkeys. Maya gives users the option to customize the interface.
Using the customization features, you autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free create a custom set of command icons, define keyboard shortcuts, and even alter menus. Lesson 1. The commands are listed as text, making them easier to find until you learn what the various buttons do. Each menu can include several submenus. Submenus are identified by a small, right-pointing arrow at the right end of the menu.
Changing Menu Sets The menus are autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free and change depending on the menu set that is selected. You can change between the menu sets using the drop-down list that is to the very left of the Status Line, as shown in Figure Tip Each of the menu sets has an associated hotkey.
Pressing these hotkeys on the keyboard executes the command. Hotkeys provide a quick and easy way to execute a command, and learning to use them will make you much more efficient. These box icons will open an Options dialog box for the selected command.
These Options dialog boxes, such as the Group Options dialog box shown in Figureinclude parameters that you can change. They also include Apply buttons that let you apply the command with the given parameters without closing the dialog box. The option dialog box values are persistent. Any values that are changed will maintain their setting the next time the command is used. You can reset an options dialog box to its default values using the Посмотреть больше, Reset Settings menu command in the dialog autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free menu.
Clicking on this line makes the menu autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free tear-off menu and displays it as a separate panel, like the one shown in Figurethat you can move about by dragging on its title bar. Tear-off menus are convenient because they make the menu commands accessible with one click, but you need the space to leave the tear-off menu open without covering something else.
Note In an effort to make the tear-off жду microsoft word 2019 za darmo free продолжения smaller, the keyboard hotkeys autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free t displayed on a tear-off menu. Tools, when selected, are active until another читать полностью is selected, but actions are only executed once. The last tool used is displayed at the bottom of the Toolbox for easy re-selection.
Double-clicking a tool s button will open the Tool Settings dialog box, as shown for the Move tool in Figure Autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free settings are also persistent and can be reset using the Reset Tool button at the top of the Tool Settings interface. Click on the Create menu, and then select the Polygon Primitives submenu and click on the Options icon to the right of the Sphere menu to open the Polygon Sphere Options dialog box.
In the Polygon Sphere Options dialog box, click the Apply button. A single sphere objects will appear at the origin in the Workspace. Click the Close button to exit the dialog box.
Click on the Create menu, and then select the Polygon Primitives submenu and click on the Cone menu command. A cone object is added to the scene overlapping the sphere.
Press the 5 key to see the objects as shaded objects, then press the F key to frame the objects. These buttons are constant and cannot be changed, but you can hide them.
The источник статьи are divided into groups that are separated by a dividing bar. Most of these button groups are presented and discussed in the lesson that corresponds to their features. Pop-up Help is available for autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free buttons in the entire interface.
This new cursor displays a small menu icon under the cursor arrow, like the one shown in Figure When this icon appears, you can right-click to access an additional menu of options. The cursor also changes when certain tools are used.
Click again microsoft office 2016 without software free make the buttons reappear. Figure shows several collapsed and expanded button sets. FIGURE Expanded and collapsed button sets Opening and Saving a Scene To the right of the Menu Set selection list is a set of buttons that you can use to create a new scene, open an existing scene, or save the current scene.
Both the Open and Save buttons will open a file dialog box, as shown in Figurein which you can select the directory and file name. When saved, the file name will appear on the title bar. These Sidebar buttons are used to show and hide dialog boxes and sidebar panels that appear to the right of the view panel. There are also buttons for accessing the Modeling Toolkit and the Character Controls. The Attribute Editor lists all the attributes for the selected autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free, the Tool Settings will list all the configurable settings for the selected tool and the Channel Box is a subset of attributes that can be animated, known as being keyable.
Note In the Interface panel of the Preferences dialog box, you can select to have each of the editors open as a separate window instead of the main window. If you drag the element back on top of the interface, a blue line will appear where it will be dropped back into the interface. You can also close or hide a floating element by clicking on the upper right corner of the element. Use the Windows, UI Elements menu command to make any hidden interface elements visible again. Move the mouse over the Status Line buttons at the left end until the Pop-up Help reads Open a scene.
Click on this button. A file dialog box appears, similar to the one shown in Figure Locate the directory where the Skateboard. Click on the Skateboard. The saved file is then loaded into Maya, autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free shown in Figure Note Before Maya opens a file, it gives you a chance to save the current file.
Click on the Create menu, and then select the Polygon Primitives submenu and click on the Sphere menu to add a sphere to the skateboard scene. Move the mouse over the Status Line buttons at the left end until autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free Pop-up Help reads Save the current scene. This file is automatically saved replacing the existing file. When saved, the file name appears in the autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free bar. Note You can save /12741.txt scenes with a new file name using the File, Save As menu command.
Click and drag on the dotted double autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free on the autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free end of the Status Line and move it away from the interface. The Status Line becomes a floating control. Click and drag the dashed double lines for the Shelf, and the Toolbox to make each of these interface elements floating controls. Click and drag on the dashed autodesk maya 2017 learning pdf free lines for the controls at the bottom of the interface to make them floating also.
Then close all the floating controls. All the standard interface elements reappear. It includes several tabbed panels of buttons. To select a different set of buttons, just click on one of the tabs and the buttons in its set will appear.
Figure shows the buttons for the Polygons tab. The top one looks like a mini-tab and you can use it to select a Shelf tab from a menu. The bottom menu icon best buy microsoft outlook 2016 free a star. You can use it to hide all of the Shelf tabs, open the Shelf Editor, create and delete shelves, load a custom shelf, and save all shelves.
You can save some interface space by hiding the Shelf tabs. To do this, select Shelf Tabs menu command from the Shelf menu to toggle the option off.
Autodesk Maya BASICS GUIDE - PDF Free Download.
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Retrieved May 18, Maya books. Archived from the original on November 25, Retrieved December 11, Microfilmmaker Magazine.
Archived from the original Software Review on July 20, Design engine. Archived from the original on August 22, Archived from the original on January 10, Retrieved October 23, Retrieved Retrieved 8 January Archived from the original on September 27, Retrieved November 15, January 6, Archived from the original on February 16, Motion graphics and animation software.
Pivot Animator. Adobe Director Avid Elastic Reality. On October 25, , then vice presidential nominee Lyndon B. Johnson visited the campus accompanied by Governor Pat Brown to hold a rally in front of approximately 3, students.
Rockefeller held the lead coming into California but nonetheless lost its primary to Barry Goldwater , effectively handing him the Republican nomination. Buckley Jr. The campus's quiet, moderately conservative and overwhelmingly white suburban setting did not shield it from a share of the noise, strife and social upheavals of the Vietnam War era. As on many college campuses, there were increasingly large antiwar demonstrations and occasional draft card burnings.
In September , Vice President Hubert Humphrey visited the campus, where he was met by student protest and opposition to the Vietnam War. Kennedy drew an orderly crowd of 10, and mainly focused on his opposition to the Vietnam War. However, would not end quite so peacefully on the campus. Kennedy in Los Angeles, then the August Democratic National Convention in Chicago , had led to a series of riots throughout the nation.
On November 4, the assault of an African American student athlete by his white coach on the CSUN campus led a group of African American students to hold the acting college president and more than 30 staff members hostage in the Administration Building for several hours, pressing demands for greater outreach in minority enrollment and employment and the establishment of minority studies departments.
Furthermore, several massive antiwar demonstrations took place during —, variously resulting in campus shutdowns, heavy police responses, violent clashes, hundreds of arrests, and in a few cases serious injuries to demonstrators.
Aside from the demonstrations, the university also catered to hippie culture when Janis Joplin performed with Big Brother and the Holding Company at what is now the Matadome on May 12, Despite the turmoil during this period, the university continued to grow and construction of the Oviatt Library began on May 19, On October 24, , the Oviatt Library was completed and opened.
In , the Marilyn Magaram Center for Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics was established; the Oviatt Library east and west wings were added; and the campus could boast of having the California State University system's only fully established astronomy department with a planetarium. Later the same month, Vice President Al Gore visited with a promise of funds to help with the reconstruction.
Among the structures judged to be so seriously damaged that repair was not a practical option were the Fine Arts building, designed by noted modernist architect Richard Neutra , and the South Library, the oldest permanent building on campus. The art courtyard survived. Due to inadequate earthquake engineering , the parking structure next to the Matadome was completely destroyed.
It is currently a grass field used for kinesiology instruction, though the driveway formerly used to enter it is still visible from Zelzah Avenue. The large American flag atop the Oviatt Library was installed after the earthquake and has been flown ever since.
Despite the extensive damage, classes for the spring term started only two weeks late. The trustees also certified the final environmental impact report on the plan. The university in , with clean energy advocates, built the new 1 megawatt fuel cell power plant which was the largest of its kind in any university in the world. The campus community maintained its legacy of activism when budget cuts and tuition fee hikes were announced during the financial crisis of — The turmoil and budget cuts did not prevent Envision from being executed.
Projects completed as part of the plan included Chaparral Hall completed in , the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts opened in , the Student Recreation Center opened in , the Transit Center finished in , the Extended University Commons building completed in , the AS Sustainability Center finished in , and Lilac Hall opened in In , a record 11, students graduated from the university.
Harrison announced she would retire at the end of June Like many other universities around the U. The university ceased in-person instruction on March 12, , when the pandemic started to take hold in the United States.
When the site closed in June of the same year, around , people had been vaccinated on the campus. CSUN received the two largest donations in its history in The hub will allow for collaboration from across the CSU and other hispanic-serving institutions to improve student success, equity, and prepare students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds for STEM careers.
Moreover, Apple will provide technology, design support and creative support at the hub as the project matures. In the fall of there were 60, applicants, of which 31, were admitted for an acceptance rate of For the academic year —, the number of foreign students who attended U. During the same year, CSUN was ranked as the number one Master's institution, having the highest number of international students in the United States. The total number of international students for that academic year totaled 3, The university, in partnership with Southwestern Law School , offers a dual B.
D degree. The program allows students to graduate within six years instead of the traditional seven if both degrees were taken separately. The program began in fall with an estimated cohort size of 35 students. Students in the program will have their first year of law school double count as their fourth year of undergraduate education. The Roland Tseng College of Extended Learning is a division within the university aimed at addressing the educational needs of mid career professionals.
The college develops and offers study opportunities which are designed to ensure that the individuals, communities and organizations served by the university achieve their lifelong learning goals.
Students will be concurrently enrolled in both nursing programs, taking courses for their BSN while completing their associate degree at the community college. Students must be accepted into an ADN program at one of the participating community colleges. Central American Studies is an interdisciplinary academic space with an emphasis on the transnational character of Central America.
The department is the only program to focus on Central Americans in the United States. The university ranked fifth in the number of undergraduate students who went on to earn a PhD in the category of master's colleges and universities in the — time frame with a total of alumni went on to earn a PhD in this time frame.
This trend has persisted in more recent years, with CSUN ranking 4th in this category in with a total of 65 alumni who obtained a PhD in that year. Daily at Dartmouth College , and associate professor of services marketing Robert Kwortnik at Cornell University [81] as well as various Public and Hidden Ivies , [82] and other prominent institutions like New York University.
CSUN also has a high amount of research activity for a master's level university. To support research activities for both faculty and students, CSUN built a 10,square-foot research facility. This ongoing collaboration allows undergraduate students to perform research in one of 50 stem cell research labs headed by UCLA faculty. The interdisciplinary research center will comprehensively study increasingly autonomous IA systems, such as artificial intelligence and automation , through the collaboration between six of the university's colleges, while also collaborating with researchers from NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center and Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
It has operated this observatory since and moved the observatory from its location in Sylmar to the campus in Bianchi Planetarium and the stellar night time observatory, form the only comprehensive astronomy network in the entire California State University system.
Various faculty members have been awarded prestigious Guggenheim Fellowships for research and creative activity, [98] [99] while over 50 have won Fulbright awards to conduct research or teach abroad. The citrus industry formerly had groves covering much of the San Fernando Valley. The rows of large eucalyptus trees, historic windbreaks for agricultural fields from the late 19th century, are found towering over the perimeters of the campus, surviving planners developing campus expansions with valor.
The CSUN University Library provides educational, cultural and information services and resources to the students and faculty. Its primary mission is to support and supplement classroom and independent learning; facilitate student and faculty research; and provide students with lifelong skills in identifying, locating, evaluating and synchronizing information. All library materials are housed in the University Library, a ,square-foot 21, There are over 2, seats for in-house study.
Of note are the Learning Commons, the Creative Media Studio, 5 computer equipped library instruction labs, and over computer workstations devoted to library information resources. Specially equipped computer workstations are located throughout the Library for individuals with disabilities, including four assistive technology equipped study rooms for students.
During Fall and Spring semesters, the building is open 90 hours a week. The library maintains its own server and web pages providing access to online electronic information and archives 24 hours a day for students and the public at the University Library Digital Collections. The University Library has a physical collection containing 1. The microform collection contains 3. There are over 14, sound recordings and over 60, film and video recordings. Harrison appointed a campus committee to investigate whether the Oviatt Library should be renamed due to allegations of racism.
Oviatt be removed from the University Library. Opened in , the Earthquake Sculpture Garden was created as a means to commemorate those affected by the Northridge earthquake. This small patch of land, adjacent to the campus bookstore, features actual remnants of the collapsed parking structure weaved into the foliage. Despite its age, the garden continues to pay homage to the earthquake that majorly impacted the campus and the adjacent community.
Its , sq. The Student Recreation Center is a , square foot facility for exercise and leisure activity. The University Student Union or USU, is a non-profit student organizations that strives to better the college experience.
The USU provides a variety of involvement opportunities, programs, services, and job opportunities. Construction is set to begin in spring and the estimated opening date will be in the — academic year. The Pride Center officially opened its doors on September 27, The VRC is a designated area for veteran students to seek camaraderie and support as they transition from military service to academia. The VRC has a variety of resources such as: several desktop computers, a rest area, sitting area, and a TV for community use.
The Veteran Mentor Program provides support and excellent resources to Veteran students. The mentor program will meet with the Veteran throughout the semester, offering referrals and to serve as positive role models. The program provides someone with shared experiences, connection with other CSUN students and programs. The Oasis Wellness Center opened in the fall semester of August with the sole purpose of providing students with a place of peace and tranquility in order to help achieve academic success.
Some programs and services provided at the Oasis Wellness Center include massage therapy, power-napping sleep pods, by appointment, nutrition classes and yoga. The CSUN Food Pantry's ultimate goal is to help students in need by providing basic emergency necessities like food and personal care items.
It's free of cost with no questions asked. It's to help students in need so their academic success isn't affected by these situations. Having over 40, students on campus this service opened up in August The pantry is in Laurel Hall.
The National Center on Deafness was established in as a way to serve deaf students at the university. Support services such as sign language interpreters, real-time captioners , and notetakers are coordinated from this center, as well as serving as a location of academic advisement and gathering of deaf students.
In , Journal began providing awards for The Dr. Arthur I. Because of its proximity to Hollywood and its diverse array of modern architecture , the campus has long been an attractive filming location for motion picture and television productions. The pilot of the remake of the television series " Knight Rider " filmed a car chase on the campus, which stood in for Stanford University.
During the spring break of , the library served as Starfleet Academy for Star Trek version. CSUN fields both men's and women's teams in basketball , cross country , golf , soccer , indoor and outdoor track and field , and volleyball. CSUN also has baseball and softball and fields women's teams in beach volleyball , tennis and water polo.
Due to state and university budget deficits, CSUN dropped football following the season. Before moving up, the university won 34 national titles at the Division II level which still ranks third all time. They have been a member of the Big West Conference ever since for most sports. The men's and women's indoor track and field teams and the men's volleyball team compete in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation instead.
The men's basketball team has made it to the NCAA tournament two times in and The team made it to three Big Sky championship games in , and CSUN was seeded 13th and lost to the fourth seed Kansas in the round of The women's basketball team won the Big West Championship for the first time in The men's Track and Field team has won three Big West titles in , and CSUN's sports teams are known as the Matadors.
In a student vote chose the school colors red and white and 'Matadors' as the school mascot over nominations for possible nicknames. The men's and women's boxing teams compete in the National Collegiate Boxing Association. CSUN encourages students to enhance their overall college experience by joining clubs and organizations. There are more than student clubs and organizations at CSUN.
Through the Matador Involvement Center, students also have the opportunity to start a new club. CSUN has a zero tolerance for any form of hazing. The Mata Sync page allows you to search through the many clubs available in addition read a small description of the clubs purpose. The university is home to many fraternal organizations and each are members of a council. The university's Pi Kappa Phi chapter surrendered their charter in following the hazing related death of Armando Villa.
Greek Life at the university has been beneficial to both the campus and surrounding community. The Greek community established the Matador Patrol over twenty years ago to aid the campus police department and has over the years evolved into the Community Service Assistant Unit of the Department of Police Services.
Aside from its original function of providing free safety escorts to the campus community, it is now also responsible for safety patrols at the on-campus student apartments, safety watches at the University Library and University Student Union facilities, and special event staffing.
In the agreement, it clearly states that the university will have zero tolerance for any and all acts of hazing. The concerts featured local and national musical artist and bands. Notable concerts included:. The Associated Students has organized the Big Show, a concert where various musicians perform on the Oviatt Lawn, since Since , the Associated Students also started organizing the Big Lecture series, where influential individuals tell the audience about their experiences and careers.
Because of the success of the first lecture by Dr. Cornel West , the series was allowed to continue yearly and has attracted a variety of individuals from different industries and backgrounds.
With over , alumni, CSUN has been home to a range of prominent alumni, faculty, and staff. In politics, three former faculty and staff members have become high-ranking officials in foreign countries, including Mohamed Morsi who became the 5th President of Egypt in , as well as Mohammad Qayoumi and Prakash Chandra Lohani. Later that year Rev. The company has since grown to become South Korea 's largest entertainment company, leading Lee Soo-man to occasionally be referred to as 'the father of K-pop '.
Although former student Debra Winger was nominated three times for the Academy Award for Best Actress as well as nominated five times for Golden Globe Awards , she won none of the nominations. Additionally, Lucille Ball was an assistant professor in The university has also had two prominent mathematicians in its faculty: Lorraine Foster , who became the first woman to receive a Ph.
Former students have also won various Olympic medals , with Jeanette Bolden gold medal , Valerie Brisco-Hooks three gold medals and one silver medal , Alice Brown two gold medals and one silver medal , Florence Griffith Joyner three gold medals and two silver medals , Joe Ryan silver medal , and Bob Samuelson bronze medal all winning medals at the Olympic Games. The former four were all coached by alumnus Bob Kersee.
The Las Vegas shooting was committed by Stephen Paddock , who graduated from the university in with a degree in business administration. Mohammed Morsi , 5th President of Egypt. Linda Lingle , 6th Governor of Hawaii. Scott J. Horowitz , NASA astronaut. Mike Curb , 42nd Lieutenant Governor of California and musician. Richard Dreyfuss , Academy Award —winning actor. Paula Abdul , Emmy and Grammy Award -winning singer and choreographer.
Alyson Hannigan , award-winning actress. Andy Summers , guitarist for The Police. Phil Hartman , Emmy Award —winning comedian and actor. Serj Tankian , frontman of System of a Down. Katie Hill , former member of the U. House of Representatives. John Densmore , drummer of The Doors. Jenna Elfman , Golden Globe Award —winning actress.
Cheech Marin , Grammy Award —winning comedian. Nicole Avant , 13th Ambassador to the Bahamas.
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